December 8, 2015
Oh, sweet Milo! His momma, Adrienne, was actually a referral through Summer. (Click to view) We had it marked on the calendar that Adrienne’s due date was November 12th, but did not expect her to actually go into labor that same day! When we received a message saying she had her baby and was ready for us to come photograph, we were just thrilled. There is nothing like seeing a first-time momma and daddy with their precious newborn. The way Michael looked at his wife while she snuggled Milo was so sweet to see.
We just loved this session! We may have been a little to excited when choosing which images to show, but I mean, COME ON. Look at that face! It was nearly impossible to narrow it down, so we hope you enjoy the ones we did choose! We hope you treasure these images forever, because he will be grown in no time! You both seem to be transitioning so well into parenthood!!
Haylee & Mandi
This session is truly darling! Absolutely love it!
Thank you, Natalie! I LOVE your work SO much.
Beautiful! Love this session!! 😀 !!
OMGosh these are adorable! You really capture the essence of why newborn lifestyle photography is amazing! I love the sweet smile from this little babe!
What a sweet family ???? Love the newborn sessions in home
Absolutely gorgeous!!!! They are a beautiful family!
I find it exceedingly refreshing to see lifestyle newborns. You did this family pure justice in capturing their beauty!
Lifestyle sessions are SO great! So much emotion, right?!
These are such lovely portraits!
Thank you so so much!!